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Building Resilient Communities:

NJ’s Source to Support Individuals, Youth and Families

The Prevention Hub is a statewide system of provider agencies that serve as local connectors to substance use prevention programs and resources available in each of NJ’s 21 counties, providing residents and professionals with evidence-based prevention education, interventions, strategies, and programs to support all sectors of the community, including youth, parents, schools, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, and others. 

For NJ residents to thrive in a safe and healthy environment, communities must address the numerous risk factors that affect our youth, families, and the broader population so that we can collectively reduce early use of alcohol and other drugs, typically the first step on the path to addiction. With the help of the Prevention Hub, we can build more resilient communities across the state. 

Prevention Warm Line

Cape Assist is a part of the Prevention Hub system that provides guidance to community and family members seeking access to prevention resources such as family supports, parenting resources, prevention of early drug and alcohol use by youth, mental health supports, and individual addiction services.  

Trained staff are available weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to connect callers to local and state-level prevention resources and other supportive services. 

If you or someone you know are in need of resources, supportive services, or assistance in general, please Call Cape Assist at (609) 522-5960.

Individual and Family Programs

The Prevention Hub offers educational resources, programs, and technical assistance to schools and community organizations that serve our youth, parents and other adults. 


PreVenture is an evidence-based prevention program that uses personality targeted interventions to promote mental health and skill development and delay youth substance use. This program, using a unique, upstream approach, is designed to help youth ages 12-17 channel their personality towards achieving positive long-term goals. The Prevention Hub builds capacity for the implementation of PreVenture in communities across the state.


Marijuana/Cannabis Education

The Prevention Hub provides youth, parents and community members evidence-based education programs, policies, and practices that support the prevention of youth marijuana use. These resources increase our collective understanding of risk factors associated with marijuana use – such as low perception of harm (“if it’s legal, it must be safe”) and easy availability of cannabis products – as well as our understanding of the health impacts of marijuana use, including those on an adolescent’s developing brain.


Over-the-Counter Medications

Using a nationally recognized curriculum developed by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America and Johnson & Johnson, the Prevention Hub provides presentations on OTC misuse dangers. Presentations are tailored for youth, parents, older adults, and the broader community. The Hub also provides facilitator training for health education teachers, law enforcement officers, faith-based youth group leaders and others to keep residents up to date on OTC medication best practices and information to prevent harmful misuse.


Strengthening Families

The Prevention Hub facilitates the use of Strengthening Families, an evidence-based program for parents and youth to assist them in learning parenting skills, youth life skills, and refusal skills. The Prevention Hub identifies appropriate community partners to host the program and refer families who may need support.

Changing Systems to Promote Youth Wellness

The Prevention Hub promotes the importance of systemic changes that build community resiliency and support youth wellness. Policy updates and new practices, such as implementing universal youth screening, creating policies that ensure a supportive response to youth at risk, and creating environments that support youth wellness, are key to reducing youth substance use. The Prevention Hub agencies around the state provide technical assistance and resources to schools and municipalities that guide public health policy updates to impact the environmental systems experienced by all community members.  


School and Municipal Toolkits:
Marijuana/Cannabis Policy Guidance

Through technical support and public health practices, the Prevention Hub assists schools, municipalities, and community members in navigating New Jersey’s new cannabis laws and their potential impact on youth.


Promoting Screening

The Prevention Hub brings awareness to the needs of diverse populations and builds a training infrastructure to help community members determine levels of risk in children and adolescents, and direct them towards prevention services, when appropriate. Universal screening for common risk factors for alcohol and drug misuse, early signs of substance use disorders, social needs and mental health issues help identify youth that may need supportive services, have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or whose families might need support. The Prevention Hub staff can provide information on why screening is important for youth and families, what practices can be implemented to support universal screening in schools or other settings, and what evidence-based screening tools are available that best meet the needs of the population being served. These resources can help you get started with establishing this important practice in your setting.

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